Keyword Arguments


All inputs to fivecentplots are treated as keyword arguments. The function call (plot, boxplot, hist, etc.) determines the kind of plot, but keywords determine what data is included and how the plot is styled and arranged. Most keywords are completely optional or can be loaded automatically from a user theme file. The only mandatory inputs to plot functions involve the basics of the data that should be plotted:

Keyword Data Type Description Required?
df pandas DataFrame DataFrame containing all data to be plotted including grouping columns always (note: df can also be specified as the first function argument withouth the keyword name of df==)
x str Column name of the x-axis data all except boxplot
y str Column name of the y-axis data all except histogram
z str Column name of the z-axis data only for contour and heatmap


Each item in a plot layout (axis, labels, legend, etc.) is represented by an Element object that contains important attributes like edge color, fill color, size, font, etc., that fully describe the element. All the base attributes of a particular Element can be overriden by keywords provided either in a user theme file or at the time of the plot function call.


Keywords that access the attributes of an element mostly follow a specific formula:

Keyword Naming Scheme

<element name>_<major|minor axis type (if any)>_<x|y|z axis (if any)>_<element attribute name>

Consider the following examples:

  1. Change the x label font color to red:

    label_x_font_color = ‘#FF0000’

  2. Change the y-axis minor gridline width:

    grid_major_y_width = 2

  3. Change the axes edge color to black:

    ax_edge_color = ‘#000000’

  4. Change the whisker color in a box plot:

    box_whisker_color = #FF00FF

Some elements have attributes that fall outside of the scope of the Default Attributes. These still follow the general nomenclature found above. For example:

  1. Display the fit equation and rsq value of a line fit:

    fit_eqn = True fit_rsq = True

  2. Set a different marker size just for the legend

    legend_marker_size = 8

  3. Change the statistic of the connecting line on a boxplot:

    box_stat_line = ‘std’

There are also a handful of keywords that allow a shorthand notation when defining them in the function call. For example, if you are calling boxplot and want to convert the box to a violin, you can use either box_violin=True or violin=True. However, the long form of such values is still required in theme files.

Listed below are the keyword arguments of specific elements. Note that some keywords deviate from the standard nomenclature given what they represent.


We only list the base Element attributes below which have a default value different than what is specified in the table above for base attributes. Base attributes that do not apply to a given Element are also listed.

Base attributes

Each Element object contains a basic set of attributes which may or may not be used depending on the specifics of the element:

Category Keyword Description Default Example
Fill fill_alpha fill color opacity [0 (fully transparent) - 1 (opaque)] 1
fill_color fill color (hex color code) #ffffff
Edges edge_alpha edge color opacity [0 (fully transparent) - 1 (opaque)] 1
edge_width width in pixels of the element border 1
edge_color edge color (hex color code) #ffffff
Fonts font font name for element text sans-serif
font_color font color (hex color code) #000000
font_size font size in pixels 14
font_style font style [‘normal’, ‘italic’, ‘oblique’] normal
font_weight font weight [‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘medium’, ‘semibold’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘black’] normal
Lines alpha line opacity 1
color line color (hex color code) #000000
style line style [‘-‘, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’]
width line width in pixels 1
Other on toggle visibility of the element depends
size [width, height] of the object
text label text associated with the object



The axes element consists of the actual plotting window shown in yellow above. Keywords for the primary axes object begin with the prefix “ax_”. Properties of any optional secondary axes begin with the prefix “ax2_”.

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
ax_edge_color hex color string outer edge color of plot area #aaaaaa None
ax_fill_color hex color string inner fill color of plot area #eaeaea None
ax_scale str enable linear vs log scaling of axis log scale plot
x-axis: [‘linear’, ‘logx’, ‘semilogx’]
y-axis: [‘linear’, ‘logx’, ‘semilogx’]
both: [‘loglog’, ‘log’]
other: [‘symlog’, ‘logit’]
ax_size list of ints width, height of plot area [400, 400] None
spines boolean show all axis edges True
spine_bottom boolean show bottom axis edge True
spine_left boolean show left axis edge True
spine_right boolean show right axis edge True
spine_top boolean show top axis edge True
twin_x boolean enable/disable a secondary y-axis (x-axis is “twinned” or duplicated across two y-axes) False twin_x plot
twin_y boolean enable/disable a secondary x-axis (y-axis is “twinned” or duplicated across two x-axes) False twin_y plot
Note: wrap plots cannot be used when twin_y == True
xmin float|list of floats|None minimum x-values; can use a list for each subplot None primary axis
x2min float|list of floats|None minimum x-values; can use a list for each subplot None secondary axis
xmax float|list of floats|None maximum x-values; can use a list for each subplot None primary axis
x2max float|list of floats|None maximum x-values for secondary axis; can use a list for each subplot None secondary axis
ymin float|list of floats|None minimum y-values; can use a list for each subplot None primary axis
y2min float|list of floats|None minimum y-values for secondary axis; can use a list for each subplot None secondary axis
ymax float|list of floats|None maximum y-values; can use a list for each subplot None primary axis
y2max float|list of floats|None maximum y-values for secondary axis; can use a list for each subplot None secondary axis

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Fonts” category
  • “Lines” category
  • text



Boxplots have several unique Element objects that can be styled:

  • Boxes: the actual boxes of the box plot (shown in white with a blue border above) are accessed using keywords with the prefix box_:

    Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
    box_on boolean toggle box visibility True box plot
    box_edge_color str edge color of the boxes #4b72b0
    box_fill_color str fill color of the boxes #ffffff
    box_median_color str color of the median line within the boxes #ff7f0e
    notch boolean use a notched-style box instead of a rectangular box False

  • Divider lines: optional vertical divider lines between groups

    These lines are styled using keywords with the prefix box_divider and use the “Lines” category of base attributes for the Element object. They are enabled by default but can be turned off with box_divider=False:

    Keyword Data Type Description Default
    box_divider_on boolean toggle divider lines between groups on/off True
    box_divider_color str line color #bbbbbb

  • Group labels: labels directly under each box that indicate the unique group values of the given box (shown in yellow above).

    Keyword Prefix


    These labels are styled using keywords with the prefix box_group_label_ and are similar to other label elements.

  • Group titles: labels to the right of the group labels that indicate the DataFrame column name of each grouping column (shown in salmon above).

    These labels are controlled using keywords with the prefix box_group_title_ and are similar to other label elements.

  • Range lines: optional lines within a single box that span the entire range of the data set. These are useful for visualization of outlier points that may be outside of the selected ymin/ymax range. They are accessed using keywords with the prefix box_range_lines_:

    Keyword Data Type Description Default
    box_range_lines_on boolean toggle range lines on/off True
    box_range_lines_color str line color #cccccc
    box_range_lines_style str horizontal lines at the end of the range
    box_range_lines_style2 str vertical lines connecting the horizontal lines at the end of the range

  • Stat lines: optional connecting line between each box at some statistical value calculated from the data for a single box. Options include any stat that can be computed via the groupby command on a pandas DataFrame (i.e., “mean”, “median”, “std”, etc.). Box stat lines are accessed using keywords with the prefix box_stat_line_:
Keyword Data Type Description Default
box_stat_line_on boolean toggle divider lines between groups on/off True
box_stat_line str set the statistic for the connecting line mean
box_stat_line_color str line color #666666

Color Bar

A color bar (or “cbar”) is a colorized gradient scale used to signify the z-value of data plotted in an X-Y plane on a contour or heatmap plot. By default, the color bar is disabled.

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
cbar boolean toggle colorbar on/off for contour and heatmap plots False contour example
size int cbar width (height will match the height of the axes) 30

The color bar text label is pulled from the column name supplied for the keyword z, but can be overriden via the keyword label_z. All font keywords which belong to the base Element class can be used to style the color bar text.

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Lines” category
  • text

Confidence Intervals

See Stats


Contour plots have a few options that can be specified via keyword:

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
cmap str Name of a color map inferno contour example
filled boolean Fill area between contour lines True
levels int Number of contour lines/levels to draw 20




To style the figure region in yellow for this example, the following keywords were used in the fcp.plot command:

fig_edge_color='#000000', fig_fill_color='#fffd75', fig_fill_alpha=0.5

Notice, we are just accessing default Element class attributes and prepending the keywords with the element name, fig_ in this case.

The figure element is the full window in which other elements are rendered. Most of the figure region is covered by these other elements but the visible portion (shown in yellow above) can be styled. figure elements can also be subdivided into multiple subplots to display more data. Unlike matplotlib, the size of the figure window is caluculated automatically by the sizes of the discrete elements it contains. It cannot be set directly.

Keyword Prefix


Keyword Data Type Description Default
dpi int dots per inch 100

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Fonts” category
  • “Lines” category
  • on
  • size
  • text


fivecentplots can add a polynomial fit to a data set. This is controlled via the family of keywords beginning with fit_:

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
fit int polynomial degree for the fit None Line fit
fit_color hex color str color of the fit line #000000 None
fit_eqn boolean display the fit equation on the plot False None
fit_font_size float font size of the fit eqn and rsq value 12 None
fit_padding int padding in pixels from the top of the plot to the location of the fit eqn 10 None
fit_range_x list compute the fit only over a given range of x-values None third example here
fit_range_y list compute the fit only over a given range of y-values None
fit_rsq boolean display the rsq of the fit on the plot False None

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Fill” category
  • “Edges” category
  • “Fonts” category
  • on
  • size
  • text


A plot can have both major and minor grids on both primary and secondary axes. Only major grids are enabled by default.

Grids properities are accessed by keywords with the following nomenclature:

Keyword Naming Scheme

<grid>_<major|minor>_<x|y|z|blank>_<element attribute name>

To specify grids of a specific axis you must include the axis designation in the keyword. If the axis is not specified, the property will be applied to all axes.

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
grid_major boolean Toggle major grid visibility for primary x and y axes True ` Major grid enabled/disabled <ticks.html#Major-grid>`_
grid_major_x boolean Toggle major grid visibility for primary x axis True None
grid_major_x2 boolean Toggle major grid visibility for secondary x axis False None
grid_major_y boolean Toggle major grid visibility for primary y axis True None
grid_major_y2 boolean Toggle major grid visibility for secondary y axis False None
grid_minor boolean Toggle minor grid visibility for primary x and y axes False ` Minor grid enabled/disabled <ticks.html#Minor-grid>`_
grid_minor_x boolean Toggle minor grid visibility for primary x axis False None
grid_minor_x2 boolean Toggle minor grid visibility for secondary x axis False None
grid_minor_y boolean Toggle minor grid visibility for primary y axis False None
grid_minor_y2 boolean Toggle minor grid visibility for secondary y axis False None
grid_major|minor_x|y|blank_color str Grid line color #ffffff None
grid_major|minor_x|y|blank_style str Grid line style (follows matplotlib standards: ‘-‘, ‘–’, etc)
grid_major|minor_x|y|blank_width float Grid line width 1.3 None


Heatmaps are a useful way to display categorical data or colorized images. The following keywords are available for this platform:

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
cell_size int width of a heatmap cell 60 cell size
cmap boolean toggle colorbar on/off for contour and heatmap plots False basic heatmap
data_labels boolean enable/disable value labels on the heatmap cells False data labels
heatmap_font_xxx various data label fonts are controlled by standard font attributes with the prefix “heatmap Various None



The following types of label elements can exist in a plot:

  • axis labels (colored in salmon on right)

    Keyword Prefix

    • Single axis:
      • label_x_

      • label_y_

      • label_z_ (aka colorbar title)

    • All axes together:
      • label_

    The default text for axes labels is pulled from the corresponding DataFrame column names used to define these values (i.e., the label_x text will match the value of x). However, axes label text can be overriden by setting a value for the label such as label_x='New Name'.

  • row, column, and wrap labels (colored in yellow on right)

    Keyword Prefix

    • Single grouping type:
      • label_row_

      • label_col_

      • label_wrap_

    • All row/column labels together:
      • rc_label_

    The text for row and column labels is the DataFrame column name followed by the unique value corresponding to that row or column of plots. The text for wrap labels will be a tuple of the unique values of the DataFrame columns specified for the wrap keyword. Unlike axes label text, row, column, or wrap label text cannot be overriden by the user but depends on the information in the DataFrame being plotted.

  • wrap titles: wrap_title (colored in cyan above)

    Keyword Prefix


    The text for wrap titles is the column names specified for the wrap keyword.

All label elements are styled using the base Element class attributes for fill color, edge color, and font. The “Lines” category of base attributes is not used for labels.

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Lines” category



The plot legend (shown in yellow on left) is controlled by keywords with the prefix legend_. By default, legends are placed outside of the plot area (where they should be to avoid obscuring data!).

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
legend str name of a DataFrame column to use for grouping None Legend
location int | str location of legend (at this time only outside of the plot is available!): 0 None
  • 0 | “outside” = outside of plot on right side
  • 1 | “upper right” = upper right inside corner
  • 2 | “upper left = upper left inside corner
  • 3 | “lower left” = lower left inside corner
  • 4 | “lower right” = lower right inside corner
  • 5 | “right”
  • 6 | “center left”
  • 7 | “center right”
  • 8 | “lower center”
  • 9 | “upper center”
  • 10 | “center”
legend_marker_alpha float alpha of the markers in the legend only 1 Alpha
legend_marker_size float marker size in legend only same as ``marker_size` Marker size
legend_points int number of points for each legend value 1 None
legend_title str legend title text defaults to legend column name None

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Lines” category
  • size


Lines can be drawn to connect markers on a plot. By default the colors will be selected from the default color list:


The following keywords are related to lines elements:

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
colors hex color str or list of hex color strs colors to use for lines and markers default list built-in color list
lines boolean toggle line visibility True None

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Fill” category
  • “Edges” category
  • “Fonts” category
  • size
  • text


Markers are characters that represent the actual data points on a plot. fivecentplots comes with a built-in list of marker styles that are cycled through depending on the number of data sets displayed:


The marker type, size, and color/alpha are all completely customizable via marker_ keywords:

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
markers boolean or list of str characters if False, turns off markers on the plot default marker list Markers
if a list of characters, sets the markers to be used (one marker type per curve or data set)
marker_fill boolean turn on/off marker fill False None
marker_edge_color hex color str set the marker edge color match the line color scheme None
marker_edge_width float set the marker edge width 1.5 None
marker_fill_color hex color str set the marker fill color (only rendered if marker_fill=True) True None
marker_jitter boolean add a random offset or jitter to the points around their x-value (useful for box plots) `True for boxplots | `False for all other plot types None
marker_size float size of the markers (can be specified uniquely from the legend marker size) 7 Marker size

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Lines” category
  • text

Reference Line

A reference line can be drawn on a plot via keywords with the ref_line_ prefix:

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
color hex color str color of the reference line #000000 Reference line
text str legend text for the reference line “Ref Line”

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Fill” category
  • “Edges” category
  • “Fonts” category
  • size


Several options are available for graphically displaying statistical information about a given data set:

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
conf_int float Add shading around a curve based on a given confidence interval from 0 to 1 None ` Confidence Intervals <plot.html#Confidence-intervals>`_
stat str Add a line through a data set where each y-value represents a computed statistic of the data at a given x-value. Options include: ‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘std’, ‘q25’ (25% quantile), etc None Stat lines example
stat_val str Column name to use instead of the given ‘x’ column for calculating the stat None Stat lines example

See Stat lines for examples.


Tick marks are controlled using keywords beginning with ticks_ and are referenced to either the major or minor grid:

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
ticks_<major|minor>_color hex color string tick color #ffffff None
ticks_major_increment float for major ticks only, the increment between tick marks `Grids and ticks<ticks.html#Increment>`_
ticks_major_length float the length in pixels of the major tick lines 6.2 None
ticks_minor_length float the length in pixels of the minor tick lines 4.2 None
tick_minor_number int enable primary y-axis range sharing across all subplots True `Grids and ticks<ticks.html#Increment>`_
ticks_major_width float thickness or edge width of a major tick mark 2.2 None
ticks_minor_width float thickness or edge width of a minor tick mark 1.3 None

To reference a specific axis, add the axis name (x, x2, y, y2, or z) to the keyword after the designation of the grid (i.e., ticks_major_x_increment or ticks_minor_y_width. If no axis is specified, the keyword is applied to all axes.

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Fill” category
  • “Edges” category
  • “Fonts” category
  • size
  • text

Tick Labels

Tick labels or the text associated with a tick mark have the same attritubes as any other text label. Keywords begin with tick_labels_ followed by the major or minor grid and an option specification of the axis of interest. For example:

  • tick_labels_major_font_size
  • tick_labels_minor_x_rotation

See Labels for more details.

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Lines” category
  • text



The title element (shown on right in yellow) adds a title centered above the top of the plot(s). The title text is added directly via the title keyword:

title = 'IV Data'

title elements are styled using the base Element class attributes for fill color, edge color, and font. The “Lines” category of base attributes is not used for titles.

The following base attributes of the Element class are not used for this item:

  • “Lines” category



Whitespace keywords are prefixed by ws_ and are followed by the two items that sandwich the whitespace, going from left to right or top to bottom:

Category Keyword Data Type Description Default
Row/column grid ws_label_col int col label to top edge of axes window 10
ws_label_row row label to right edge of axes window 10
ws_col space between columns 30
ws_row space between rows 30
Figure ws_fig_label left figure edge to ``label_y` 10
ws_leg_fig right legend edge to right figure edge 10
ws_fig_ax top figure edge to top edge of axes with figure title disabled 20
ws_fig_title top figure edge to top of figure title 10
Axes ws_label_tick space between axis label and tick labels 10
ws_leg_ax right edge of axes to left edge of legend box 20
ws_ticks_ax space between tick labels and axes 5
ws_title_ax bottom edge of title to top edge of axes window 10
ws_ax_fig right edge of axes to right edge of figure with legend disabled 30
Ticks ws_tick_tick_minimum minimum space between consecutive ticks 10
Boxplot ws_ax_box_title right edge of axes to right edge of box title text 10


Some parameters of the plot are handled by the Data class in fivecentplots. This class is responsible for defining the unique groups for each plot, handling subplots, etc. These keywords are added to the plot function call just like element attribute keywords.

Keyword Data Type Description Default Example
auto_scale True enable/disable auto-scaling feature for one-side range True auto-scale
specification; not allowed for heatmap or histogram
col str name of DataFrame column to use for column-based subplots None column plot
fig_groups str|list of str DataFrame column(s) to use for figure-level grouping None figure plots
filter str string-based DataFrame filter (similar to query in pandas) None see most plot examples
ncol int specify the number of columns in a wrap plot try to make square grid compare two cases
row str name of DataFrame column to use for row-based subplots None row plot
share_x boolean enable primary x-axis range sharing across all subplots True axis sharing
share_y boolean enable primary y-axis range sharing across all subplots True
share_z boolean enable primary z-axis range sharing across all subplots True
share_x2 boolean enable secondary x-axis range sharing across all subplots True
share_y2 boolean enable secondary y-axis range sharing across all subplots True
share_col boolean enable axis range sharing for all subplots in a column of subplots False
share_row boolean enable axis range sharing for all subplots in a row of subplots False
trans_x str|None apply an axis transformation to a given axis None None
options: ‘abs’, ‘negative’ or ‘neg’, ‘nq’ (normal quantile)
inverse’ or ‘inv’, (‘pow’, int), ‘flip’
trans_x2 str|None same as trans_x None None
trans_y str|None same as trans_x None None
trans_y2 str|None same as trans_x None None
trans_z str|None same as trans_x None None
wrap str|list name or list of names of DataFrame columns for wrap-type subplots wrap plot


Keyword Data Type Description Default
filename str Name of the saved plot Built automatically based on plot conditions
filepath str Directory in which the plot should be saved Current directory
inline boolean Display the plot inline (in a jupyter notebook, using the matplotlib show command, etc) True
print_filename boolean Print the filename and return the plot False
return_filename boolean Return only the filename of the saved plot but not the plot itself False
save boolean Save the image True
save_ext str File extension for the saved plot png
show boolean Open the saved plot (this is not the same as show in matplotlib) False