- exception fivecentplots.fcp.EngineError(*args, **kwargs)¶
- fivecentplots.fcp.axes()¶
Dummy function to return the axes API with
(not used directly for plotting).- Keyword Arguments
ax_edge_alpha (str) – Transparency value for axes edge between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
ax_edge_bottom (boolean) – Enable/disable the bottom axes edge (or spine). Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Axes-edges
ax_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the border edge of the axes region. Defaults to #aaaaaa. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Typical-elements
ax_edge_left (boolean) – Enable/disable the left axes edge (or spine). Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Axes-edges
ax_edge_right (boolean) – Enable/disable the right axes edge (or spine). Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Axes-edges
ax_edge_top (boolean) – Enable/disable the top axes edge (or spine). Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Axes-edges
ax_edge_width (float) – Width of the axes border in pixels. Defaults to 1.
ax_fill_alpha (str) – Transparency value for axes fill between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Alpha
ax_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for the fill color of the axes region. Defaults to #eaeaea. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Alpha
ax_scale|ax2_scale (str) – Set the scale type of the axes {‘linear’; ‘logx’; ‘semilogx’; ‘logy’; ‘semilogy’; ‘loglog’; ‘log’; ‘symlog’; ‘logit’}. Defaults to ‘linear’. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Log-scale
ax_size (list of int | str) – Axes size [width, height]; note this is not the size of the entire figure but just the axes area; for boxplots can enter ‘auto’ to auto-scale the width. Defaults to [400, 400]. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Time-series
share_col (boolean) – Share the x and y axis ranges of subplots in the same column when grouping. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ranges.html#Share-columns
share_row (boolean) – Share the x and y axis ranges of subplots in the same row when grouping. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ranges.html#Share-row
share_x (boolean) – Share the x-axis range across grouped plots with multiple axes. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ranges.html#Axes-sharing
share_x2 (boolean) – Share the secondary x-axis range across grouped plots with multiple axes. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ranges.html#Axes-sharing
share_y (boolean) – Share the y-axis range across grouped plots with multiple axes. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ranges.html#Axes-sharing
share_y2 (boolean) – Share the secondary y-axis range across grouped plots with multiple axes. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ranges.html#Axes-sharing
twin_x (boolean) – Add a secondary y-axis by “twinning” the x-axis. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Shared-x-axis-(twin_x)
twin_y (boolean) – Add a secondary x-axis by “twinning” the y-axis. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Shared-y-axis-(twin_y)
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y=['Voltage', 'I [A]'], legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], col='Boost Level', twin_x=True, share_y=False, share_y2=False, share_x=True, filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25', ax_edge_color='#FF0000', ax_edge_left=False, ax_edge_right=False, ax_edge_width=2, ax_fill_color='#96BEAA', ax_fill_alpha=0.5, ax_scale='logx', ax_size=[400, 300])
Axes element is shown in olive green with red borders¶
- fivecentplots.fcp.bar(df, **kwargs)¶
Bar chart.
- Parameters
df (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame containing data to plot
- Keyword Arguments
x (str) – x-axis column name [REQUIRED]
y (str) – y-axis column name [REQUIRED]
bar_align (str) – If ‘center’ aligns center of bar to x-axis value; if ‘edge’ aligns the left edge of the bar to the x-axis value. Defaults to ‘center’ .
bar_color_by_bar|color_by_bar (bool) – Color each bar differently. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/barplot.html#Color-by-bar
bar_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the edge of the bar. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS.
bar_edge_width (float) – Width of the edge of the bar in pixels. Defaults to 0.
bar_error_bars|error_bars (bool) – Display error bars on each bar. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/barplot.html#Error-bars
bar_error_color|error_color (str) – Hex color string of the error bar lines. Defaults to #555555.
bar_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the bars between 0-1. Defaults to 0.75.
bar_fill_color (str) – Hex color string of the bar fill . Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS.
bar_horizontal|horizontal (bool) – Display bars horizontally. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/barplot.html#Horizontal-bars
bar_rolling|bar_rolling_mean|rolling|rolling_mean (int) – Rolling mean window size [enables this curve]. No default. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/barplot.html#Rolling-mean
bar_stacked|stacked (bool) – Stack bars of a given group . Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/barplot.html#Stacked
bar_width (float) – Set the fractional width of the bars between 0-1; for stacked barplots the width corresponds to the height of the bars. Defaults to 0.8.
rolling_mean_line_color (str) – Hex color string for the rolling mean line. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/barplot.html#Custom-line-style
rolling_mean_line_width (int) – Width for the rolling mean line in pixels. Defaults to 2. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/barplot.html#Custom-line-style
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data/fake_data_bar.csv') >>> fcp.bar(df, x='Liquid', y='pH', filter='Measurement=="A" & T [C]==25', tick_labels_major_x_rotation=90)
- fivecentplots.fcp.boxplot(df, **kwargs)¶
Box plot modeled after the “Variability Chart” in JMP which Dummy function to return convenient, multi-level group labels automatically along the x-axis.
- Parameters
df (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame containing data to plot
- Keyword Arguments
y (str) – y-axis column name contining the box plot data [REQUIRED]
box_divider (bool) – Toggle box divider visibility. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Dividers
box_divider_color (str) – Hex color string for the vertical line between groups. Defaults to #bbbbbb.
box_divider_style (str) – Line style for the box divider lines {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’}. Defaults to -.
box_divider_width (float) – Width of the divider lines in pixels. Defaults to 1.
box_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the edge of the box. Defaults to #aaaaaa. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Boxplot-example
box_edge_width (float) – Width of the edge of the boxes in pixels. Defaults to 0.5.
box_fill_color (str) – Hex color string of the bar fill . Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Boxplot-example
box_median_color (str) – Hex color string of the median line inside each box. Defaults to #ff7f0e.
box_on (bool) – Toggle box visibility. Defaults to True.
box_range_lines (bool) – Toggle the horizontal lines showing the min/max of the data range. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Range-lines
box_range_lines_color (str) – Hex color string for the box range lines. Defaults to #cccccc.
box_range_lines_style (str) – Line style for the box range lines {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’}. Defaults to –.
box_range_lines_width (float) – Width of the range lines in pixels. Defaults to 1.
box_whisker (bool) – Toggle range lines that extend from the box Q1/Q3 edges to the data min/max. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Whiskers
box_whisker_color (str) – Hex color string for the box whisker lines. Defaults to #cccccc.
box_whisker_style (str) – Line style for the box whisker lines {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’}. Defaults to -.
box_whisker_width (float) – Width of the whisker lines in pixels. Defaults to 0.5.
box_width (float) – Set the fractional width of the boxes between 0-1. Defaults to 0.5 [if violin on, 0.15].
groups (str|list) – Grouping columns for the box plot. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Groups
notch (bool) – Use a notched-style box instead of a rectangular box. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Notch
box_group_label_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for group label line edge between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
box_group_label_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the group label rectangle edge. Defaults to #ffffff.
box_group_label_edge_width (float) – Width of the edge of the line around the group labels in pixels. Defaults to 1.
box_group_label_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for group label fill between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
box_group_label_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for the group label background color. Defaults to #ffffff.
box_group_label_font (str) – Font name for box group label. Defaults to Sans-serif.
box_group_label_font_color (str) – Hex color string for group label font. Defaults to #000000.
box_group_label_font_size (float) – Font size for group label text in pixels. Defaults to 12.
box_group_label_font_style (str) – Font style for the group label text {‘normal’, ‘italic’, ‘oblique’}. Defaults to ‘normal’.
box_group_label_font_weight (str) – Font weight for the group label text {‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘medium’, ‘semibold’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘black’}. Defaults to ‘normal’.
box_group_title_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for group title line edge between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
box_group_title_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the group title rectangle edge. Defaults to #ffffff.
box_group_title_edge_width (float) – Width of the edge of the line around the group titles in pixels. Defaults to 1.
box_group_title_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for group title fill between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
box_group_title_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for the group title background color. Defaults to #ffffff.
box_group_title_font (str) – Font name for box group title. Defaults to Sans-serif.
box_group_title_font_color (str) – Hex color string for group title font. Defaults to #000000.
box_group_title_font_size (float) – Font size for group title text in pixels. Defaults to 13.
box_group_title_font_style (str) – Font style for the group title text {‘normal’, ‘italic’, ‘oblique’}. Defaults to ‘normal’.
box_group_title_font_weight (str) – Font weight for the group title text {‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘medium’, ‘semibold’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘black’}. Defaults to ‘normal’.
box_grand_mean (bool) – Toggle visibility of a line showing the mean of all data on the plot. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Grand-Mean/Median
box_grand_mean_color|grand_mean_color (str) – Hex color string for the grand mean line. Defaults to #555555.
box_grand_mean_style|grand_mean_style (str) – Line style for the box grand mean lines {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’}. Defaults to ‘-’.
box_grand_mean_width|grand_mean_width (float) – Width of the grand mean line in pixels. Defaults to 1.
box_grand_median (bool) – Toggle visibility of a line showing the median of all data on the plot. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Grand-Mean/Median
box_grand_median_color|grand_median_color (str) – Hex color string for the grand median line. Defaults to #0000ff.
box_grand_median_style|grand_median_style (str) – Line style for the box grand median lines {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’}. Defaults to ‘-’.
box_grand_median_width|grand_median_width (float) – Width of the grand median line in pixels. Defaults to 1.
box_group_mean (bool) – Toggle visibility of a line showing the mean of each data group on the plot. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Group-Means
box_group_mean_color|group_mean_color (str) – Hex color string for the group mean line. Defaults to #555555.
box_group_mean_style|group_mean_style (str) – Line style for the box group mean lines {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’}. Defaults to ‘-’.
box_group_mean_width|group_mean_width (float) – Width of the group mean line in pixels. Defaults to 1.
box_stat_line (str) – Set the statistic for the connecting line {‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘std’, ‘qXX’ [qunatile where XX is a number between 0-100]}. Defaults to mean. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Stat-line
box_stat_line_color (str) – Hex color string for the stat line. Defaults to #666666.
box_stat_line_on (bool) – Toggle visibility of the stat line between boxes. Defaults to True.
box_stat_line_width (float) – Width of the stat line in pixels. Defaults to 1.
box_mean_diamonds_alpha|mean_diamonds_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the diamonds between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
box_mean_diamonds_edge_color|mean_diamonds_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the edges of the diamond. Defaults to #FF0000.
box_mean_diamonds_edge_style|mean_diamonds_edge_style (str) – Line style for the diamonds lines {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’}. Defaults to ‘-’.
box_mean_diamonds_edge_width|mean_diamonds_edge_width (float) – Width of the diamond lines in pixels. Defaults to 0.7.
box_mean_diamonds_fill_color|mean_diamonds_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for the fill of the diamond. Defaults to None.
box_mean_diamonds_width|mean_diamonds_width (float) – Set the fractional width of the diamonds between 0-1. Defaults to 0.8.
box_mean_diamonds|mean_diamonds (bool) – Toggle visibility of a diamond overlay on the box showing the group mean and a confidence interval. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Mean-Diamonds
conf_coeff (float) – Confidence interval from 0 to 1. Defaults to 0.95.
box_violin|violin (bool) – Toggle visibility of violin plot showing the distribution of box plot data. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Violins
violin_box_color (str) – Hex color string for the fill of an optional box overlay on the violin. Defaults to #555555.
violin_box_on (bool) – Toggle visibility of a box over the violin plot. Defaults to True.
violin_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the edge of the violins. Defaults to #aaaaaa.
violin_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the violin plots between 0-1. Defaults to 0.5.
violin_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for the fill of the violins. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS.
violin_markers (bool) – Toggle visibility of data point markers on the violin plots. Defaults to False.
violin_median_color (str) – Hex color string for the median point in each violin. Defaults to #ffffff.
violin_median_marker (str) – Marker type for the median point in each violin. Defaults to ‘o’.
violin_median_size (int) – Size of the median point marker in each violin. Defaults to 2.
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data/fake_data_box.csv') >>> fcp.boxplot(df, y='Value', groups=['Batch', 'Sample'])
- fivecentplots.fcp.cbar()¶
Dummy function to return the colorbar API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
cbar (bool) – Toggle colorbar on/off for contour and heatmap plots. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/contour.html#Filled-contour
size (int) – cbar width [height will match the height of the axes]. Defaults to 30.
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data/fake_data_contour.csv') >>> fcp.contour(cc, x='X', y='Y', z='Value', cbar=True, cbar_size=20, xmin=-4, xmax=2, ymin=-4, ymax=2)
- fivecentplots.fcp.contour(df, **kwargs)¶
Contour plot module.
- Parameters
df (DataFrame) – DataFrame containing data to plot
- Keyword Arguments
x (str) – x-axis column name [REQUIRED]
y (str) – y-axis column name [REQUIRED]
z (str) – z-axis column name [REQUIRED]
cmap (str) – Name of a color map . Defaults to inferno. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/contour.html#Filled-contour
contour_width (float) – Width of the contour lines. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/contour.html#Contour-lines
filled (bool) – Color area between contour lines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/contour.html#Filled-contour
interp (str) – Scipy interpolate.griddata method to make Z points {‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘cubic’}. Defaults to ‘cubic’. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/contour.html#Data-interpolation
levels (int) – Number of contour lines/levels to draw. Defaults to 20. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/contour.html#Contour-lines
show_points (bool) – Show points on top of the contour plot. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/contour.html#Contour-points
cbar (bool) – Toggle colorbar on/off for contour and heatmap plots. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/contour.html#Filled-contour
size (int) – cbar width [height will match the height of the axes]. Defaults to 30.
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data/fake_data_contour.csv') >>> fcp.contour(cc, x='X', y='Y', z='Value', cbar=True, cbar_size=40, xmin=-4, xmax=2, ymin=-4, ymax=2)
- fivecentplots.fcp.deprecated(kwargs)¶
Automatically fix deprecated keyword args.
- fivecentplots.fcp.figure()¶
Dummy function to return the figure API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
dpi (int) – Dots per square inch resolution for the figure. Defaults to 100.
fig_edge_alpha (str) – Transparency value for figure edge between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
fig_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the border edge of the figure region. Defaults to #aaaaaa. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Typical-elements
fig_edge_width (float) – Width of the figure border in pixels. Defaults to 3.
fig_fill_alpha (str) – Transparency value for figure fill between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Alpha
fig_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for the fill color of the figure region. Defaults to #eaeaea. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Alpha
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', fig_edge_color='#000000', fig_edge_width=3, fig_edge_alpha=0.5, fig_fill_color='#96BEAA', fig_fill_alpha=0.8, ax_size=[400, 300]
Figure element is shown in olive green with red border¶
- fivecentplots.fcp.gantt(df, **kwargs)¶
- Gantt chart plotting function. This plot is built off of a horizontal
implementation of fcp.bar.
- Parameters
df (DataFrame) – DataFrame containing data to plot
- Keyword Arguments
x (list) – two x-axis column names containing Datetime values [REQUIRED] - 1) the start time for each item in the Gantt chart - 2) the stop time for each item in the Gantt chart
y (str) – y-axis column name [REQUIRED]
gantt_color_by_bar|color_by_bar (bool) – Color each Gantt bar differently. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/gantt.html#Styling
gantt_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the edge of the Gantt bars. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/gantt.html#Styling
gantt_edge_width (float) – Width of the edge of the Gantt bars in pixels. Defaults to 0. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/gantt.html#Styling
gantt_fill_alpha (int) – Transparency value for the Gantt bars between 0-1. Defaults to 0.75. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/gantt.html#Styling
gantt_fill_color (str) – Hex color string of the Gantt bar fill . Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS.
gantt_height|height (float) – Set the fractional height of the Gantt bars between 0-1. Defaults to 0.9. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/gantt.html#Styling
gantt_label_x (str) – By default, x-axis labels are disabled for this plot type. Defaults to ‘’.
legend (gantt_order_by_legend|order by) – Order the y-axis values based on the sort order of the legend values [requires legend]. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/gantt.html#Legends
gantt_tick_labels_x_rotation|tick_labels_x_rotation (int) – Gantt-specific version of the this kwarg to ensure rotations are not applied globably to all plots from a theme file. Defaults to 90. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/gantt.html#Legends
sort (str) – Sort order for the Gantt bars {‘ascending’, ‘descending’}. Defaults to ‘descending’. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/gantt.html#Sorting
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data/fake_data_gantt.csv') >>> fcp.gantt(df, x=['Start', 'Stop'], y='Task', ax_size=[600, 400])
- fivecentplots.fcp.gridlines()¶
Dummy function to return the gridline API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
grid_major (boolean) – Enable/disable major x-axis and y-axis gridlines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_alpha (str) – Transparency value for major gridlines between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for x-axis and y-axis major gridlines. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_width (float) – Major gridline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 1.3. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_x (boolean) – Enable/disable major x-axis gridlines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_x2 (boolean) – Enable/disable secondary-axis major x-axis gridlines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_x2_alpha (str) – Transparency value for secondary-axis major x-axis gridlines between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_x2_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for secondary-axis x-axis major gridlines. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_x2_width (float) – Major secondary x-axis gridline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 1.3. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_x_alpha (str) – Transparency value for major x-axis gridlines between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_x_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for x-axis major gridlines. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_x_width (float) – Major x-axis gridline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 1.3. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_y (boolean) – Enable/disable major y-axis gridlines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_y2 (boolean) – Enable/disable secondary-axis major y-axis gridlines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_y2_alpha (str) – Transparency value for secondary-axis major y-axis gridlines between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_y2_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for secondary-axis y-axis major gridlines. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_y2_width (float) – Major secondary y-axis gridline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 1.3. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_y_alpha (str) – Transparency value for major y-axis gridlines between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_y_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for y-axis major gridlines. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_major_y_width (float) – Major y-axis gridline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 1.3. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor (boolean) – Enable/disable minor x-axis and y-axis gridlines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_alpha (str) – Transparency value for minor gridlines between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for x-axis and y-axis minor gridlines. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_width (float) – minor gridline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_x (boolean) – Enable/disable minor x-axis gridlines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_x2 (boolean) – Enable/disable secondary-axis minor x-axis gridlines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_x2_alpha (str) – Transparency value for secondary-axis minor x-axis gridlines between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_x2_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for secondary-axis x-axis minor gridlines. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_x2_width (float) – minor secondary x-axis gridline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_x_alpha (str) – Transparency value for minor x-axis gridlines between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_x_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for x-axis minor gridlines. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_x_width (float) – minor x-axis gridline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_y (boolean) – Enable/disable minor y-axis gridlines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_y2 (boolean) – Enable/disable secondary-axis minor y-axis gridlines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_y2_alpha (str) – Transparency value for secondary-axis minor y-axis gridlines between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_y2_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for secondary-axis y-axis minor gridlines. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_y2_width (float) – minor secondary y-axis gridline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_y_alpha (str) – Transparency value for minor y-axis gridlines between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_y_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for y-axis minor gridlines. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
grid_minor_y_width (float) – Minor y-axis gridline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Grids
tick_cleanup (str|boolean) – Set the tick cleanup style when dealing with overlaping tick labels {False -> ignore | “shrink” -> change the font | “remove” -> delete one of the overlapping labels}. Defaults to “shirnk”. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-cleanup
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', lines=False, ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', grid_major_x_style='--', grid_major_y_color='#00EE00', grid_minor=True, grid_minor_color='#BB0000', grid_minor_y_alpha=0.3, grid_minor_x_width=2
- fivecentplots.fcp.grouping()¶
Dummy function to return the grouping API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
col (str) – [1] name of DataFrame column for grouping into columns of subplots based on each unique value; or [2] col=”x” with multiple values defined for “x” creates columns of subplots for each x-value. Defaults to None.
groups (str|list) – for xy plot = name of DataFrame column that can be used to separate the data into unique groups so plot lines do not circle back on themselves. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/grouping.html#xy-plots
groups – for boxplot = name or list of names of DataFrame column(s) used to split the data into separate boxes. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/grouping.html#boxplots
row (str) – [1] name of DataFrame column for grouping into rows of subplots based on each unique value; or [2] row=”y” with multiple values defined for “y” creates rows of subplots for each y-value. Defaults to None.
wrap (str|list) – [1] name or list of names of DataFrame column(s) for grouping into a grid of subplots; [2] wrap=”x” with multiple values defined for “x” creates a grid of subplots for each x-value; or [3] wrap=”y” with multiple values defined for “y” creates a grid of subplots for each y-value. Defaults to None.
Row by column style:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', col='Die', row='Substrate', filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', ax_size=[300, 250])
Wrap style:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', wrap=['Die', 'Substrate'], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', ax_size=[300, 250])
Box plot:
- fivecentplots.fcp.heatmap(df, **kwargs)¶
Heatmap plot.
- Parameters
df (DataFrame) – DataFrame containing data to plot
- Keyword Arguments
x (str) – x-axis column name [REQUIRED]
y (str) – y-axis column name [REQUIRED]
z (str) – z-axis column name [REQUIRED]
cell_size (int) – Width of a heatmap cell in pixels. Defaults to 60. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/heatmap.html#Cell-size
cmap (bool) – Name of a color map to apply to the plot. Defaults to inferno. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/heatmap.html#No-data-labels
data_labels (bool) – Toggle visibility of value text labels on the heatmap cells. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/heatmap.html#With-data-labels
heatmap_edge_width (float) – Width of the edges of the heat map cells. Defaults to 0.
heatmap_font_color (str) – Hex color string for the value label text. Defaults to #ffffff.
heatmap_font_size (int) – Font size of the value label text. Defaults to 12.
heatmap_interp|interp (str) – imshow interpolation scheme [see matplotlib docs for more details]. Defaults to ‘none’.
cbar (bool) – Toggle colorbar on/off for contour and heatmap plots. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/contour.html#Filled-contour
size (int) – cbar width [height will match the height of the axes]. Defaults to 30.
Categorical heatmap:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data/fake_data_heatmap.csv') >>> fcp.heatmap(df, x='Category', y='Player', z='Average')
Non-uniform numerical data:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data/fake_data_contour.csv') >>> fcp.heatmap(df, x='X', y='Y', z='Value', row='Batch', col='Experiment', cbar=True, share_z=True, ax_size=[400, 400], data_labels=False, label_rc_font_size=12, filter='Batch==103', cmap='viridis')
- fivecentplots.fcp.hist(df, **kwargs)¶
Histogram plot.
- Parameters
df (DataFrame | numpy array) – DataFrame or numpy array containing data to plot [when passing a numpy array it is automatically converted to a DataFrame]
- Keyword Arguments
x (str) – x-axis column name (i.e., the “value” column from which “counts” are calculated) [REQUIRED]
bars (bool) – Toggle between bars or a line plot for the counts (True=bars enabled, False=use line). Defaults to True unless 2D image then False
cdf (bool) – Convert the histogram into a cumulative distribution plot. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#cdf
cfa (str) – Color-filter array pattern that is used to split data from a Bayer image into separate color planes. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/imshow.html#split-color-planes
hist_align (str) – If “mid” aligns center of histogram bar to x-axis value; if “left” aligns the left edge of the histogram bar to the x-axis value {“left”; “mid”; “right”}. Defaults to mid. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#alignment
hist_bins|bins (int) – Number of histogram bins to use; when plotting the histogram of a raw image file the number of bins is automatically adjusted to enable one bin per DN code. Defaults to 20. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#bin-counts
hist_cumulative|cumulative (bool) – From matplotlib: If True then a histogram is computed where each bin gives the counts in that bin plus all bins for smaller values; if -1 direction of accumulation is reversed. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#cumulative
hist_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the edge of the histogram bar. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#colors
hist_edge_width (float) – Width of the edge of the histogram bar in pixels. Defaults to 0. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#colors
hist_fill_alpha (int) – Transparency value for the histogram bars between 0-1. Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#colors
hist_fill_color (str) – Hex color string of the histogram bar fill . Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#colors
hist_horizontal|horizontal (bool) – Enable a horizontal histogram plot [default is vertical]. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#horizontal-bars
hist_kde|kde (bool) – Toggle visibility of a kernel-density estimator curve over the histogram bars. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#kernel-density-estimator
hist_normalize|normalize (bool) – Sets the “density” parameter for matplotlib-based plots; from matplotlib: if True draw and return a probability density: each bin will display each bin”s raw count divided by the total number of counts and the bin width so that the area under the histogram integrates to 1; automatically enabled if kde=True. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#cumulative
hist_rwidth (float|None) – From matplotlib: the relative width of the bars as a fraction of the bin width; None means auto-calculation. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#width
pdf (bool) – Convert the histogram into a probability density function plot. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#pdf
Simple histogram:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data/fake_data_box.csv') >>> fcp.hist(df, x='Value')
Bayer-image histogram:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> # Make a dummy blue patch through an RGB filter >>> img_rgb = np.zeros([300, 300]).astype(np.uint16) >>> img_rgb[::2, ::2] = 180 # green_red >>> img_rgb[1::2, 1::2] = 180 # green_blue >>> img_rgb[::2, 1::2] = 10 >>> img_rgb[1::2, ::2] = 255 >>> # Add gaussian shading >>> x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1,1,300), np.linspace(-1,1,300)) >>> dst = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y) >>> sigma = 1 >>> muu = 0.001 >>> gauss = np.exp(-( (dst-muu)**2 / ( 2.0 * sigma**2 ) ) ) >>> img_rgb = (gauss * img_rgb).astype(float) >>> # Add random noise >>> img_rgb[::2, ::2] += np.random.normal(-0.1*img_rgb[::2, ::2].mean(), 0.1*img_rgb[::2, ::2].mean(), >>> img_rgb[::2, ::2].shape) >>> img_rgb[1::2, ::2] += np.random.normal(-0.1*img_rgb[1::2, ::2].mean(), 0.1*img_rgb[1::2, ::2].mean(), >>> img_rgb[1::2, ::2].shape) >>> img_rgb[1::2, 1::2] += np.random.normal(-0.1*img_rgb[1::2, 1::2].mean(), 0.1*img_rgb[1::2, 1::2].mean(), >>> img_rgb[1::2, 1::2].shape) >>> img_rgb[::2, 1::2] += np.random.normal(-0.1*img_rgb[::2, 1::2].mean(), 0.1*img_rgb[::2, 1::2].mean(), >>> img_rgb[::2, 1::2].shape) >>> img_rgb = img_rgb.astype(np.uint16) >>> fcp.hist(img_rgb, ax_size=[600, 400], legend='Plane', cfa='grbg', colors=fcp.BAYER, **fcp.HIST)
- fivecentplots.fcp.imshow(df, **kwargs)¶
Image show plotting function.
- Parameters
df (DataFrame | numpy array) – DataFrame or numpy array containing 2D row/column image data to plot [when passing a numpy array it is automatically converted to a DataFrame]
- Keyword Arguments
cfa (str) – Color-filter array pattern that is used to split data from a Bayer image into separate color planes. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/imshow.html#split-color-planes
cmap (bool) – Name of a color map to apply to the plot. Defaults to gray. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/imshow.html#color-maps
imshow_interp|interp (str) – imshow interpolation scheme [see matplotlib docs for more details]. Defaults to ‘none’.
stretch (float|list) – Calculate “stretch” times the standard deviation above and below the mean to set new z-limits. Can be a single value used as +/- limits or a two-value list for the lower/upper multiplier values. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/imshow.html#Contrast-stretching
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> import imageio >>> # Read an image from the world-wide web >>> url = 'https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/image?q=85&c=sc&rect=0%2C214%2C2000%2C1214&' >>> + 'poi=%5B920%2C546%5D&w=2000&h=1000&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.onecms.io%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads' >>> + '%2Fsites%2F47%2F2020%2F10%2F07%2Fcat-in-pirate-costume-380541532-2000.jpg' >>> imgr = imageio.imread(url) >>> # Convert to grayscale >>> img = fcp.utilities.img_grayscale(imgr) >>> fcp.imshow(img, ax_size=[600, 600])
With +/- 3 sigma contrast stretching:
>>> uu = img.stack().mean() >>> ss = img.stack().std() >>> fcp.imshow(img, cmap='inferno', cbar=True, ax_size=[600, 600], zmin=uu-3*ss, zmax=uu+3*ss)
- fivecentplots.fcp.labels()¶
Dummy function to return the labels API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
label_bg_padding (float) – Padding around the label text for the background object behind the text. Defaults to 2.
label_q (str) – Custom text for a specific axes label [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to DataFrame column name. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Multiple-y-only
label_q_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the label edge between 0-1 [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Edge-colors
label_q_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the label edge [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Edge-colors
label_q_edge_width (float) – Width of the border edge of a label in pixels [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Edge-colors
label_q_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the label background fill between 0-1 [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fill-colors
label_q_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for the label edge [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fill-colors
label_q_font (str) – Font for a specific axes label [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to sans-serif. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
label_q_font_color (str) – Hex color string for font color of a specific axes label [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to #000000. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
label_q_font_size (str) – Font size for a specific axes label [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 14. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
label_q_font_style (str) – Font style {‘normal’|’italic’|’oblique’} for a specific axes label [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to italic. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
label_q_font_weight (str) – Font weight {‘normal’|’bold’|’heavy’|’light’|’ultrabold’|’ultralight’} for a specific axes label [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to bold. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
label_q_edge_alpha – Transparency value for the label edge between 0-1 [where q = rc, col, row, wrap; rc changes all]. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Edge- colors
label_q_edge_color – Hex color string for the label edge [where q = rc, col, row, wrap; rc changes all]. Defaults to #8c8c8c. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Edge-colors
label_q_edge_width – Width of the border edge of a label in pixels [where q = rc, col, row, wrap; rc changes all]. Defaults to 0. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Edge- colors
label_q_fill_alpha – Transparency value for the label background fill between 0-1 [where q = rc, col, row, wrap; rc changes all]. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fill-colors
label_q_fill_color – Hex color string for the label edge [where q = rc, col, row, wrap; rc changes all]. Defaults to #8c8c8c. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fill-colors
label_q_font – Font for a specific axes label [where q = rc, col, row, wrap; rc changes all]. Defaults to sans-serif. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
label_q_font_color – Hex color string for font color of a specific axes label [where q = rc, col, row, wrap; rc changes all]. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
label_q_font_size – Font size for a specific axes label [where q = rc, col, row, wrap; rc changes all]. Defaults to 16. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
label_q_font_style – Font style {‘normal’|’italic’|’oblique’} for a specific axes label [where q = rc, col, row, wrap; rc changes all]. Defaults to normal. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
label_q_font_weight – Font weight {‘normal’|’bold’|’heavy’|’light’|’ultrabold’|’ultralight’} for a specific axes label [where q = rc, col, row, wrap; rc changes all]. Defaults to bold. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
label_q_size (str) – Label background rectangle height for an col/wrap label OR width for row label,30,None title_wrap_font,str,Font for the wrap title bar text”. Defaults to label_wrap_font.
title_wrap_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the wrap title bar edge between 0-1. Defaults to label_rc_. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Edge-colors
title_wrap_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the wrap title bar edge. Defaults to #5f5f5f.
title_wrap_edge_width (float) – Width of the wrap title bar edge in pixels. Defaults to label_wrap_edge_width.
title_wrap_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the wrap title bar background fill between 0-1. Defaults to label_wrap_fill_alpha. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fill- colors
title_wrap_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for the wrap title bar. Defaults to #5f5f5f.
title_wrap_font_color (str) – Hex color string for the wrap title bar text. Defaults to label_wrap_font_color.
title_wrap_font_size (str) – Font size for the wrap title bar text. Defaults to 16.
title_wrap_font_style (str) – Font style {‘normal’|’italic’|’oblique’} for the wrap title bar text. Defaults to label_wrap_font_style.
title_wrap_font_weight (str) – Font weight {‘normal’|’bold’|’heavy’|’light’|’ultrabold’|’ultralight’} for the wrap title bar text. Defaults to label_wrap_font_weight.
title_wrap_size (str) – Label background rectangle height for the wrap title bar. Defaults to label_wrap_size.
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', col='Die', row='Substrate', filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', ax_size=[300, 250], label_rc_edge_color='#000000', label_rc_edge_width=2, label_row_font_color='#AA0000', label_row_fill_alpha=0.5, label_row_fill_color='#00AA00', label_col_fill_color='#0000AA', label_x_font_style='normal', label_y_font_color='#AABBCC', label_x_fill_color='#DDDDDD')
- fivecentplots.fcp.legend()¶
Dummy function to return the legend API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
legend_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the legend border. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Typical-elements
legend_edge_width (float) – Width of the legend border in pixels. Defaults to 1.
legend_font_size (float) – Font size of the legend text. Defaults to 12.
legend_location (int) – Position of the legend {0 = outside; 1 = upper right; 2 = upper left; 3 = lower left; 4 = lower right; 5 = right; 6 = center left; 7 = center right; 8 = lower center; 9 = upper center; 10 = center; 11 = below}. Defaults to 0. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/grouping.html#Location
legend_marker_alpha (float) – Transparency value for legend markers between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Alpha
legend_marker_size (float) – Marker size in the legend in pixels. Defaults to 7. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Marker-size
legend_on (boolean) – Enable/disable visibility of legend that has been created using the legend kwarg. Defaults to True [if legend enabled].
legend_points (int) – Number of points in the legend region for each entry [to enable multiple markers as in matplotlib]. Defaults to 1.
legend_title (str) – Custom title for the legend region [default is the column name used for the legend grouping].
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', ax_size=[400, 300], legend_edge_color='#555555', legend_edge_width=2, legend_font_size=10, legend_marker_size=10, legend_marker_alpha=0.5, legend_title='DS9')
- fivecentplots.fcp.lines()¶
Dummy function to return the lines API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
cmap (str) – Color map name (overrides all other color parameters). Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Colormap
line_alpha (str|list) – Transparency value for the line(s) between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Line-styling
line_color (str|list) – Hex color string or list of hex color strings for the plot lines. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Line-styling
line_style (str|list) – Matplotlib string character for line style {‘-‘; ‘–’; ‘-.’ ‘:’}. Defaults to ‘-‘. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Line-styling
line_width (int|list) – Line width in pixels. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Line-styling
lines (boolean) – Enable/disable plotting of lines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Scatter
All lines the same color:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', line_color='#000000', line_width=2)
Patterns of alternating custom color and style:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', line_color=['#AA00AA', '#00AA00', '#0000AA'], line_width=2, line_style=['-', '--'])
Use a colormap with alpha:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', cmap='viridis', lines_alpha=0.7)
No lines:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', lines=False)
- fivecentplots.fcp.markers()¶
Dummy function to return the markers API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
marker_edge_color (str|list) – Hex color string for the marker edges. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Marker-colors
marker_edge_width (float) – Marker edge line width in pixels. Defaults to 1.
marker_fill (boolean) – Enable/disable color fill in markers. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Marker-colors
marker_fill_color (str|list) – Hex color string for the fill color of markers. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Marker-colors
marker_jitter|jitter (boolean) – For boxplots add random noise on x-axis to show separation between markers. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Jitter
marker_size (float|str) – Size in pixels of the data point markers or a DataFrame column name with a custom marker size on each row. Defaults to 6. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Marker-size
markers (boolean) – Enable/disable data point markers. Defaults to True.
No markers:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', markers=False)
Styled markers:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', marker_size=10, marker_edge_width=2, marker_fill=True)
Custom markers types and color (a mix of indices from the
list and a custom hex color):>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', markers=['o', None, '+', '*', 'B', None], marker_edge_color=[3, 0, 6, 1, '#FF0000'])
- fivecentplots.fcp.nq(df, **kwargs)¶
Plot the normal quantiles of a data set.
- Parameters
df (DataFrame | numpy array) – DataFrame containing a column of values data or a DataFrame or numpy array containing a set of 2D values that can be used to calculate quantiles at various “sigma” intervals
- Keyword Arguments
x (str) – x-axis column name (if using a 1D dataset). Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/nq.html#1D-dataset
sigma (float) – Maximum sigma value to use for the calculation; range will be +/- this value. Defaults to Auto- calculated based on the dataset using “fcp.utilities.sigma”. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/nq.html#custom-sigma-range
step_inner (float) – Delta between sigma values outside of the tail (around sigma=0). Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/nq.html#point-density
step_tail (float) – Delta between sigma values in the tails (all value >= and <= to keyword “tail”). Defaults to 0.2. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/nq.html#point-density
tail (float) – Sigma value that represents the start of the tail of the distribution. Defaults to 3. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/nq.html#custom-tail
“Normal” distribution:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> # Make a normal distribution from noise >>> img = np.ones([1000, 1000]) * 2**12 / 2 >>> img += np.random.normal(-0.025*img.mean(), 0.025*img.mean(), img.shape) >>> fcp.nq(img, marker_size=4, line_width=2)
- fivecentplots.fcp.options()¶
Dummy function to return the API for other control options with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
BAYER (list) – Color scheme for RGGB channel data so lines and markers match CFA type. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#RGB
DEFAULT_COLORS (list) – Default color scheme used for lines and markers (from colors.py). Defaults to None.
HIST (dict) – Shortcut of useful kwargs to format hist plots {‘ax_scale’: ‘logy’, ‘markers’: False, ‘line_width’: 2, ‘preset’: ‘HIST’}. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/hist.html#fcp.HIST
engine (str) – Specify the plotting engine {‘mpl’, ‘bokeh’}. Defaults to ‘mpl’. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/layout.html#engine
filename (str) – Name of the saved image (with or without path and/or extension). Defaults to Automatic name based on conditions with extention ‘.png’. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/grouping.html#figure-plots
filepath (str) – Name of the directory to save images (convenient if you want to use the default naming but save in a different directory. Defaults to current directory.
inline (boolean) – Flag to display the rendered plot in the native plotting viewer or jupyter notebook (convenient to disable if doing automated batch plotting). Defaults to True.
print_filename (boolean) – Print the output filename, if the plot is saved. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/grouping.html#figure-plots
return_filename (boolean) – Return the output filename, if the plot is saved. Defaults to False.
save (boolean) – Save the plot to disk. Defaults to False.
save_data (boolean) – Save the DataFrame subset that is created and used by a given plot. Defaults to False.
save_ext (str) – Set the file extension of saved plots to determine the format. Defaults to depends on plotting engine {‘mpl’: ‘.png’, ‘bokeh’: ‘.html’}.
show (str) – Show the “saved” plot image file using the default image viewer of the host PC. Setting to “True” forces the image to be saved to disk. Defaults to False.
theme (str) – Select a theme file for the current plot only. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#On-the-fly
timer (boolean) – Debug feature to get a time log for each step in the plotting process. Defaults to False.
- fivecentplots.fcp.paste_kwargs(kwargs: dict) dict ¶
Get the kwargs from contents of the clipboard in ini file format.
- Parameters
kwargs – originally inputted kwargs
- Returns
copied kwargs
- fivecentplots.fcp.pie(df, **kwargs)¶
Pie chart
- Parameters
df (DataFrame) – DataFrame containing data to plot
- Keyword Arguments
x (str) – x-axis column name with categorical data [REQUIRED]
y (str) – y-axis column name with values [REQUIRED]
pie_colors|colors (str|list) – Wedge fill colors. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#colors
pie_counter_clock|counter_clock (bool) – Places wedges in a counter-clockwise fashion. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#counter-clockwise
pie_edge_color|edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the edge of the pie wedges. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#colors
pie_edge_style|edge_style (str) – Line style for the wedge edge lines {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’}. Defaults to ‘-’. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#colors
pie_edge_width|edge_width (float) – Width of the wedge edge lines in pixels. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#colors
pie_explode|explode (list of float) – Emphasize one or more wedges by offsetting it from the center of the pie by some amount. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#explode
pie_fill_alpha|fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the bars between 0-1. Defaults to 0.85.
pie_font_color|font_color (str) – Font color for the wedge labels. Defaults to #444444. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#wedge-labels
pie_font_size|font_size (float) – Font size for the wedge labels. Defaults to 11. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#wedge-labels
pie_font_weight|font_weight (str) – Font weight for the wedge labels {‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘medium’, ‘semibold’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘black’}. Defaults to ‘normal’. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#wedge-labels
pie_inner_radius|inner_radius (float) – Distance from the center of the pie to the inner edge; used to make donut plots. Defaults to pie.html#donut. Example: nan
pie_label_distance|label_distance (float) – Distance from the center of the pie to the category labels. Defaults to 1.1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#wedge-labels
pie_percents_distance|percents_distance (float) – Distance from center [0] to edge [pie_radius] at which percentage labels are placed. Defaults to 0.6. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#labeled-percents
pie_percents_font_color|percents_font_color (str) – Font color for the percentage labels. Defaults to #444444. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#labeled-percents
pie_percents_font_size|percents_font_size (float) – Font size for the percentage labels. Defaults to 11. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#labeled-percents
pie_percents_font_weight|percents_font_weight (str) – Font weight for the percentage labels {‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘medium’, ‘semibold’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘black’}. Defaults to ‘normal’. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#labeled-percents
pie_percents|percents (bool) – Label each pie wedge with the percentage for that category. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#labeled-percents
pie_radius|radius (float) – Sets the radius of the pie chart. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#basic-plot
pie_rotate_labels|rotate_labels (bool) – Rotate the pie labels to align with the bisection line from center of the pie through the wedge. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#wedge-labels
pie_shadow|shadow (bool) – Add a shadow to give a 3D appearance to the pie chart. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#shadow
pie_start_angle|start_angle (float) – The angle at which the first wedge starts with [3 o’clock = 0; 12 o’clock =90; etc]. Defaults to 90. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/pie.html#start-angle
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data/fake_data_bar.csv') >>> df.loc[df.pH < 0, 'pH'] = -df.pH >>> fcp.pie(df, x='Liquid', y='pH', filter='Measurement=="A" & T [C]==25')
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot(df, **kwargs)¶
XY plot.
- Parameters
df (DataFrame) – DataFrame containing data to plot
- Keyword Arguments
x (str | list) – x-axis column name(s) [REQUIRED]
y (str | list) – y-axis column name(s) [REQUIRED]
cmap (str) – Color map name (overrides all other color parameters). Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Colormap
line_alpha (str|list) – Transparency value for the line(s) between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Line-styling
line_color (str|list) – Hex color string or list of hex color strings for the plot lines. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Line-styling
line_style (str|list) – Matplotlib string character for line style {‘-‘; ‘–’; ‘-.’ ‘:’}. Defaults to ‘-‘. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Line-styling
line_width (int|list) – Line width in pixels. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Line-styling
lines (boolean) – Enable/disable plotting of lines. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Scatter
marker_edge_color (str|list) – Hex color string for the marker edges. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Marker-colors
marker_edge_width (float) – Marker edge line width in pixels. Defaults to 1.
marker_fill (boolean) – Enable/disable color fill in markers. Defaults to False. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Marker-colors
marker_fill_color (str|list) – Hex color string for the fill color of markers. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Marker-colors
marker_jitter|jitter (boolean) – For boxplots add random noise on x-axis to show separation between markers. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/boxplot.html#Jitter
marker_size (float) – Size in pixels of the data point markers. Defaults to 6.
markers (boolean) – Enable/disable data point markers. Defaults to True.
ax_hlines|ax2_hlines (float|list of tuples and floats) – Add horizontal lines to the plot; if only float value is provided add a solid black line with width=1 pixel at that value; if tuple add any one or more of the following in order: [1] float value or DataFrame column name [required]; [2] hex string for line color; [3] line style str; [4] line width in pixels; [5] line alpha transparency value from 0-1; [6] legend text [added automatically if using a column name for value]. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Horizontal-&-vertical-lines
ax_vlines|ax2_vlines (float|list of tuples and floats) – Add vertical lines to the plot [same parameters as ax_hlines]. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Horizontal-&-vertical-lines
ax_[h|v]lines (list of values) – Add a line with a different value to each subplot when using row/col/wrap grouping. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Horizontal-&-vertical-lines
control_limit_side (str) – Determines if shaded region is <= lcl and >= ucl {“outside”} or between the lcl and ucl {“inside”}. Defaults to outside. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Control-limits
lcl (float) – Float value to start the lower control limit shading region. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Control-limits
lcl|ucl_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the line starting the control limit shaded region between 0-1. Defaults to 0.25.
lcl|ucl_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the the line starting the control limit shaded region. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS.
lcl|ucl_edge_style (str) – Line style for the line starting the control limit shaded region {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’}. Defaults to ‘-‘.
lcl|ucl_edge_width (float) – Width of the line starting the control limit shaded region in pixels. Defaults to 1.
lcl|ucl_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the control limit shaded region fill between 0-1. Defaults to 0.20. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Control-limits
lcl|ucl_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for the control limit shaded region fill. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Control-limits
ucl (float) – Float value to start the upper control limit shading region. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Control-limits
conf_int (float) – Interval with upper and lower bounds based on a single confidence value between 0-1 (typical=0.95). Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Confidence-interval
conf_int_|perc_int_|nq_int_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the lines bounding the interval shaded region between 0-1. Defaults to 0.25. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Confidence-interval
conf_int_|perc_int_|nq_int_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the the lines bounding the interval shaded region. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Confidence-interval
conf_int_|perc_int_|nq_int_edge_style (str) – Line style for the lines bounding the interval shaded region {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’}. Defaults to ‘-‘. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Confidence-interval
conf_int_|perc_int_|nq_int_edge_width (float) – Width of the lines bounding the interval shaded region in pixels. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Confidence-interval
conf_int_|perc_int_|nq_int_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the interval shaded region fill between 0-1. Defaults to 0.20. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Confidence-interval
conf_int_|perc_int_|nq_int_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for the interval shaded region fill. Defaults to fcp.DEFAULT_COLORS. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Confidence- interval
nq_int (list of float) – Interval with upper and lower bounds based on values of sigma (where the mean of a distribution is sigma=0). Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Confidence-interval
perc_int (list of float) – Interval with upper and lower bounds based on percentiles between 0-1. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Confidence-interval
fit (int) – Polynomial degree for the fit. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Line-fit
fit_color (str) – Hex color string for the fit line. Defaults to #000000.
fit_eqn (boolean) – Display the fit equation on the plot. Defaults to False.
fit_font_size (float) – Font size of the fit eqn and rsq value. Defaults to 12.
fit_padding (int) – Padding in pixels from the top of the plot to the location of the fit eqn. Defaults to 10.
fit_range_x (list) – Compute the fit only over a given range of x-values. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Curve-fitting
fit_range_y (list) – Compute the fit only over a given range of y-values. Defaults to None.
fit_rsq (boolean) – Display the rsq of the fit on the plot. Defaults to False.
ref_line (list|pd.Series) – The name of one or more columns in the DataFrame or a pandas Series with the same number of rows as the x column. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Reference-line
ref_line_alpha (str|list) – Transparency value for the reference line(s) between 0-1 (use list if more than one ref_line plotted). Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Reference-line
ref_line_color (str|list) – Hex color string or list of hex color strings for the reference line (use list if more than one ref_line plotted). Defaults to #000000. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Reference-line
ref_line_legend_text (str|list) – Custom string label(s) to add to a legend for the reference line data (use list if more than one ref_line plotted). Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Reference-line
ref_line_style (str|list) – Matplotlib string character for reference line style {‘-‘; ‘–’; ‘-.’ ‘:’} (use list if more than one ref_line plotted). Defaults to ‘-‘. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Reference-line
ref_line_width (int|list) – Reference line width in pixels (use list if more than one ref_line plotted). Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Reference-line
stat (str) – Calculate a statistic on a data set (any stat value supported by pandas.groupby is valid {‘mean’, ‘std’, etc}. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Stat- lines
stat_line_xxx (various) – Stat-line styling is controlled by the regular line_xxx values. Defaults to None.
stat_val (str) – Alternate column name used as a pseudo x-axis for the stat calculation for cases in which the plotted x-column values are not perfectly aligned. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/plot.html#Stat-lines
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2')
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_bar(data, layout, ir, ic, df_rc, kwargs)¶
Plot data as boxplot
- Parameters
data (obj) – Data object
layout (obj) – layout object
ir (int) – current subplot row number
ic (int) – current subplot column number
df_rc (pd.DataFrame) – data subset
kwargs (dict) – keyword args
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_box(dd, layout, ir, ic, df_rc, kwargs)¶
Plot data as boxplot
- Parameters
dd (obj) – Data object
layout (obj) – layout object
ir (int) – current subplot row number
ic (int) – current subplot column number
df_rc (pd.DataFrame) – data subset
kwargs (dict) – keyword args
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_contour(data, layout, ir, ic, df_rc, kwargs)¶
Plot contour data
- Parameters
data (obj) – Data object
layout (obj) – layout object
ir (int) – current subplot row number
ic (int) – current subplot column number
df_rc (pd.DataFrame) – data subset
kwargs (dict) – keyword args
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_control_limit(ir: int, ic: int, iline: int, layout: engines.Layout, data: data.Data)¶
Add control limit shading to a plot.
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_fit(data, layout, ir, ic, iline, df, x, y, twin, leg_name, ngroups)¶
Plot a fit line
- Parameters
data (obj) – Data object
layout (obj) – layout object
ir (int) – current subplot row number
ic (int) – current subplot column number
iline (int) – iterator
df (pd.DataFrame) – input data
x (str) – x-axis column name
y (str) – y-axis column name
twin (bool) – denote twin axis
leg_name (str) – legend value
ngroups (int) – number of groups in this data set
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_gantt(data, layout, ir, ic, df_rc, kwargs)¶
Plot data as gantt chart
- Parameters
data (obj) – Data object
layout (obj) – layout object
ir (int) – current subplot row number
ic (int) – current subplot column number
df_rc (pd.DataFrame) – data subset
kwargs (dict) – keyword args
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_heatmap(data, layout, ir, ic, df_rc, kwargs)¶
Plot heatmap data data
- Parameters
data (obj) – Data object
layout (obj) – layout object
ir (int) – current subplot row number
ic (int) – current subplot column number
df_rc (pd.DataFrame) – data subset
kwargs (dict) – keyword args
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_hist(data, layout, ir, ic, df_rc, kwargs)¶
Plot data as histogram
- Parameters
data (obj) – Data object
layout (obj) – layout object
ir (int) – current subplot row number
ic (int) – current subplot column number
df_rc (pd.DataFrame) – data subset
kwargs (dict) – keyword args
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_imshow(data, layout, ir, ic, df_rc, kwargs)¶
Show an image
- Parameters
data (obj) – Data object
layout (obj) – layout object
ir (int) – current subplot row number
ic (int) – current subplot column number
df_rc (pd.DataFrame) – data subset
kwargs (dict) – keyword args
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_interval(ir, ic, iline, data, layout, df, x, y, twin)¶
Add a point-by-point interval based color band around a line plot
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_nq(data, layout, ir, ic, df_rc, kwargs)¶
Plot data as normal quantiles by sigma
- Parameters
data (obj) – Data object
layout (obj) – layout object
ir (int) – current subplot row number
ic (int) – current subplot column number
df_rc (pd.DataFrame) – data subset
kwargs (dict) – keyword args
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_pie(data, layout, ir, ic, df, kwargs)¶
Plot a pie chart
- Parameters
data (obj) – Data object
layout (obj) – layout object
ir (int) – current subplot row number
ic (int) – current subplot column number
df_rc (pd.DataFrame) – data subset
kwargs (dict) – keyword args
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_ref(ir, ic, iline, data, layout, df, x, y)¶
Plot a reference line
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_stat(ir, ic, iline, data, layout, df, x, y, leg_name=None, twin=False)¶
Plot a line calculated by stats
- fivecentplots.fcp.plot_xy(data, layout, ir, ic, df_rc, kwargs)¶
Plot xy data
- Parameters
data (obj) – Data object
layout (obj) – layout object
ir (int) – current subplot row number
ic (int) – current subplot column number
df_rc (pd.DataFrame) – data subset
kwargs (dict) – keyword args
- fivecentplots.fcp.plotter(dobj, **kwargs)¶
Main plotting function
UPDATE At minimum, it requires a pandas DataFrame with at least two columns and two column names for the x and y axis. Plots can be customized and enhanced by passing keyword arguments as defined below. Default values that must be defined in order to generate the plot are pulled from the fcp_params default dictionary
- Parameters
dobj (Data object) – data class for the specific plot type
- Keyword Arguments
type (Defined by the specific plot) –
- Returns
- fivecentplots.fcp.set_theme(theme=None, verbose=False)¶
Select a “defaults” file and copy to the user directory
- fivecentplots.fcp.tick_labels()¶
Dummy function to return the tick labels API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
tick_labels (boolean) – Enable/disable all tick labels. Defaults to True.
tick_labels_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for all tick labels background edges between 0-1. Defaults to 0.
tick_labels_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for all tick label background edges. Defaults to #ffffff.
tick_labels_edge_width (float) – Width of the border edge of all tick labels in pixels. Defaults to 0.
tick_labels_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the background fill of all tick labels between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
tick_labels_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for all tick label background edges. Defaults to #ffffff.
tick_labels_font (str) – Font for all tick labels. Defaults to sans-serif.
tick_labels_font_color (str) – Hex color string for font color of all tick labels. Defaults to #000000.
tick_labels_font_size (str) – Font size for all tick labels. Defaults to 13.
tick_labels_font_style (str) – Font style {‘normal’|’italic’|’oblique’} for all tick labels. Defaults to normal.
tick_labels_font_weight (str) – Font weight {‘normal’|’bold’|’heavy’|’light’|’ultrabold’|’ultralight’} of all tick labels. Defaults to normal.
tick_labels_major (boolean) – Enable/disable all major tick labels. Defaults to True.
tick_labels_major_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for all major tick labels background edges between 0-1. Defaults to 0.
tick_labels_major_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for all major tick label background edges. Defaults to #ffffff.
tick_labels_major_edge_width (float) – Width of the border edge of all major tick labels in pixels. Defaults to 0.
tick_labels_major_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the background fill of all major tick labels between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
tick_labels_major_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for all major tick label background edges. Defaults to #ffffff.
tick_labels_major_font (str) – Font for all major tick labels. Defaults to sans-serif.
tick_labels_major_font_color (str) – Hex color string for font color of all major tick labels. Defaults to #000000.
tick_labels_major_font_size (str) – Font size for all major tick labels. Defaults to 13.
tick_labels_major_font_style (str) – Font style {‘normal’|’italic’|’oblique’} for all major tick labels. Defaults to normal.
tick_labels_major_font_weight (str) – Font weight {‘normal’|’bold’|’heavy’|’light’|’ultrabold’|’ultralight’} of all major tick labels. Defaults to normal.
tick_labels_major_q (boolean) – Enable/disable major tick labels of a specific axes [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to True.
tick_labels_major_q_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for major tick labels background edges of a specific axes between 0-1 [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 0.
tick_labels_major_q_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for major tick label background edges of a specific axis [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to #ffffff.
tick_labels_major_q_edge_width (float) – Width of the border edge of all major tick labels of a specific axis in pixels [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 0.
tick_labels_major_q_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the background fill of all major tick labels of a specific axis between 0-1 [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 1.
tick_labels_major_q_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for major tick label background edges of a specific axis [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to #ffffff.
tick_labels_major_q_font (str) – Font for major tick labels of a specific axes [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to sans-serif.
tick_labels_major_q_font_color (str) – Hex color string for font color of major tick labels of a specific axes [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to #000000.
tick_labels_major_q_font_size (str) – Font size for major tick labels of a specific axes label [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 13.
tick_labels_major_q_font_style (str) – Font style {‘normal’|’italic’|’oblique’} for major tick labels of a specific axes [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to normal.
tick_labels_major_q_font_weight (str) – Font weight {‘normal’|’bold’|’heavy’|’light’|’ultrabold’|’ultralight’} of major tick labels of a specific axes [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to normal.
tick_labels_minor (boolean) – Enable/disable all minor tick labels. Defaults to False.
tick_labels_minor_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for all minor tick labels background edges between 0-1. Defaults to 0.
tick_labels_minor_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for all minor tick label background edges. Defaults to #ffffff.
tick_labels_minor_edge_width (float) – Width of the border edge of all minor tick labels in pixels. Defaults to 0.
tick_labels_minor_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the background fill of all minor tick labels between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
tick_labels_minor_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for all minor tick label background edges. Defaults to #ffffff.
tick_labels_minor_font (str) – Font for all minor tick labels. Defaults to sans-serif.
tick_labels_minor_font_color (str) – Hex color string for font color of all minor tick labels. Defaults to #000000.
tick_labels_minor_font_size (str) – Font size of a specific axes label [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 10.
tick_labels_minor_font_style (str) – Font style {‘normal’|’italic’|’oblique’} for all minor tick labels. Defaults to normal.
tick_labels_minor_font_weight (str) – Font weight {‘normal’|’bold’|’heavy’|’light’|’ultrabold’|’ultralight’} of all minor tick labels. Defaults to normal.
tick_labels_minor_q (boolean) – Enable/disable minor tick labels of a specific axes [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to False.
tick_labels_minor_q_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the label edge of a specific axes between 0-1 [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 0.
tick_labels_minor_q_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for minor tick label background edges of a specific axis [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to #ffffff.
tick_labels_minor_q_edge_width (float) – Width of the border edge of all minor tick labels of a specific axis in pixels [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 0.
tick_labels_minor_q_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the background fill of all minor tick labels of a specific axis between 0-1 [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to 1.
tick_labels_minor_q_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for minor tick label background edges of a specific axes [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to #ffffff.
tick_labels_minor_q_font (str) – Font for minor tick labels of a specific axes [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to sans-serif.
tick_labels_minor_q_font_color (str) – Hex color string for font color of minor tick labels of a specific axes [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to #000000.
tick_labels_minor_q_font_size (str) – Font size for all minor tick labels. Defaults to 10.
tick_labels_minor_q_font_style (str) – Font style {‘normal’|’italic’|’oblique’} for minor tick labels of a specific axes [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to normal.
tick_labels_minor_q_font_weight (str) – Font weight {‘normal’|’bold’|’heavy’|’light’|’ultrabold’|’ultralight’} of minor tick labels of a specific axes [where q = x, y, x2, y2]. Defaults to normal.
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', tick_labels_major_x_font_color='#FF0000', tick_labels_major_x_font_style='italic', tick_labels_major_x_fill_color='#EEEEEE', tick_labels_major_x_edge_color='#0000FF', tick_labels_minor=True, tick_labels_minor_y_font_weight='bold', tick_labels_minor_x_edge_width=1, tick_labels_minor_y_edge_color='#00FF00', tick_labels_minor_y_edge_width=1, tick_labels_minor_y_font_color='#FF00FF', tick_labels_minor_x_rotation=45, tick_labels_minor_y_fill_color='#000000', tick_labels_minor_font_size=6)
- fivecentplots.fcp.ticks()¶
Dummy function to return the ticks API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
ticks_major (boolean) – Enable/disable major x-axis and y-axis tick marks. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_alpha (str) – Transparency-axis value for major tick marks between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for x-axis and y-axis major tick marks. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_direction (str) – Point tick marks ‘in’ or ‘out’ from the axes area. Defaults to ‘in’. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-style
ticks_major_increment (float) – Specify the spacing of major tick marks. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-increment
ticks_major_length (float) – Specify the length of the major tick marks in pixels. Defaults to 6.2. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-style
ticks_major_width (float) – Major tickline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 1.3. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_width – Specify the width of the major tick marks in pixels. Defaults to 2.2. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-style
ticks_major_x (boolean) – Enable/disable major x-axis tick marks. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_x2 (boolean) – Enable/disable secondary-axis major x-axis tick marks. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_x2_alpha (str) – Transparency-axis value for secondary-axis major x-axis tick marks between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_x2_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for secondary-axis x-axis major tick marks. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_x2_width (float) – Major secondary x-axis tickline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 1.3. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_x_alpha (str) – Transparency-axis value for major x-axis tickslines between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_x_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for x-axis major tick marks. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_x_width (float) – Major x-axis tickline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 1.3. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_y (boolean) – Enable/disable major y-axis tick marks. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_y2 (boolean) – Enable/disable secondary-axis major y-axis tick marks. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_y2_alpha (str) – Transparency-axis value for secondary-axis major y-axis tick marks between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_y2_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for secondary-axis y-axis major tick marks. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_y2_width (float) – Major secondary y-axis tickline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 1.3. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_y_alpha (str) – Transparency-axis value for major y-axis tick marks between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_y_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for y-axis major tick marks. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_major_y_width (float) – Major y-axis tickline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 1.3. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor (boolean) – Enable/disable minor x-axis and y-axis tick marks. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_alpha (str) – Transparency-axis value for minor tick marks between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for x-axis and y-axis minor tick marks. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_direction (str) – Point tick marks ‘in’ or ‘out’ from the axes area. Defaults to ‘in’. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-style
ticks_minor_length (float) – Specify the length of the minor tick marks in pixels. Defaults to 0.67 * ticks_major_length. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-style
ticks_minor_number (float) – Specify the number of minor tick marks. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-increment
ticks_minor_width (float) – Specify the width of the minor tick marks in pixels. Defaults to 0.6 * ticks_major_width. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-style
ticks_minor_width – minor tickline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_x (boolean) – Enable/disable minor x-axis tick marks. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_x2 (boolean) – Enable/disable secondary-axis minor x-axis tick marks. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_x2_alpha (str) – Transparency-axis value for secondary-axis minor x-axis tick marks between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_x2_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for secondary-axis x-axis minor tick marks. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_x2_width (float) – minor secondary x-axis tickline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_x_alpha (str) – Transparency-axis value for minor x-axis tick marks between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_x_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for x-axis minor tick marks. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_x_width (float) – minor x-axis tickline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_y (boolean) – Enable/disable minor y-axis tick marks. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_y2 (boolean) – Enable/disable secondary-axis minor y-axis tick marks. Defaults to True. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_y2_alpha (str) – Transparency-axis value for secondary-axis minor y-axis tick marks between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_y2_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for secondary-axis y-axis minor tick marks. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_y2_width (float) – minor secondary y-axis tickline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_y_alpha (str) – Transparency-axis value for minor y-axis tick marks between 0-1. Defaults to 1. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_y_color (str) – Hex-axis color string for y-axis minor tick marks. Defaults to #ffffff. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
ticks_minor_y_width (float) – minor y-axis tickline width in pixels (float ok). Defaults to 0.5. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/ticks.html#Tick-marks
Default styling:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y=['Voltage', 'I [A]'], legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2')
Ugly styling:
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y=['Voltage', 'I [A]'], legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', ticks_major_increment=0.1, ticks_major_x_color='#000000', ticks_major_x_length=15, ticks_major_x_width=4, ticks_major_y_color='#0000FF', ticks_major_y_direction='out', ticks_minor=True, ticks_minor_number=3, ticks_minor_color='#00FF00')
- fivecentplots.fcp.titles()¶
Dummy function to return the figure title API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
title (str) – Figure title text. Defaults to None. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
title_edge_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the title area edge between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
title_edge_color (str) – Hex color string for the title area edge. Defaults to #ffffff.
title_edge_width (float) – Width of the border edge of a title area in pixels. Defaults to 1.
title_fill_alpha (float) – Transparency value for the title area background fill between 0-1. Defaults to 1.
title_fill_color (str) – Hex color string for the title area edge. Defaults to #ffffff.
title_font (str) – Font for the figure title. Defaults to sans-serif. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
title_font_color (str) – Hex color string for font color of the figure title. Defaults to #000000.
title_font_size (str) – Font size for the figure title. Defaults to 18.
title_font_style (str) – Font style {‘normal’|’italic’|’oblique’} for the figure title. Defaults to italic. Example: https://endangeredoxen.github.io/fivecentplots/0.5.0/styles.html#Fonts
title_font_weight (str) – Font weight {a numeric value in range 0-1000|’ultralight’|’light’|’normal’|’regular’|’b ook’|’medium’|’roman’|’semibold’|’demibold’|’demi’|’bold’|’heavy’|’extra bold’|’black’} for the figure title. Defaults to bold.
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', legend=['Die', 'Substrate'], ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', title='Vaxis III', title_edge_alpha=0.5, title_edge_color='#333333', title_edge_width=2, title_fill_alpha=0.2, title_fill_color='#00AA88', title_font='monospace', title_font_size=24, title_font_style='oblique', title_font_weight=700)
- fivecentplots.fcp.ws()¶
Dummy function to return the white space API with help() (not used directly for plotting).
- Keyword Arguments
ws_ax_box_title (int) – White space between axes edge and box plot titles. Defaults to 10.
ws_ax_cbar (int) – White space from right axes edge to left side of cbar. Defaults to 10.
ws_ax_fig (int) – White space right edge of axes to right edge of figure [if no legend present]. Defaults to 10.
ws_ax_label_xs (int) – Extra white space between axes and label when using separate labels. Defaults to 5.
ws_ax_leg (int) – White space from right edge of axes to left edge of legend [if present]. Defaults to 5.
ws_col (int) – White space between column subplots [ignored if tick labels or axes labels are present and wider than this]. Defaults to 30.
ws_fig_ax (int) – White space from left figure edge to axes left edge. Defaults to 10.
ws_fig_label (int) – White space between top of figure and x2 label [if present]. Defaults to 10.
ws_fig_title (int) – White space from top of figure to top of title [if present]. Defaults to 10.
ws_label_col (int) – White space from axes and col labels. Defaults to ws_label_rc.
ws_label_fig (int) – White space from bottom of x label to bottom of figure. Defaults to ws_fig_label.
ws_label_rc (int) – White space between axes and row & col labels. Defaults to 10.
ws_label_row (int) – White space from axes to row labels. Defaults to ws_label_rc.
ws_label_tick (int) – White space from edge of axes label to edge of tick labels. Defaults to 10.
ws_leg_fig (int) – White space from right of legend in position 0 and figure right edge. Defaults to 10.
ws_row (int) – White space between row subplots [ignored if tick labels or axes labels are present and wider than this]. Defaults to 30.
ws_tick_minimum (int) – Minimum width for tick labels. Defaults to 10.
ws_ticks_ax (int) – White space from tick labels to edge of axes. Defaults to 5.
ws_title_ax (int) – White space bottom of title to top of axes. Defaults to 10.
>>> import fivecentplots as fcp >>> from pathlib import Path >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv(Path(fcp.__file__).parent / 'test_data' / 'fake_data.csv') >>> fcp.plot(df, x='Voltage', y='I [A]', row='Die', col='Substrate', ax_size=[400, 300], filter='Target Wavelength==450 & Temperature [C]==25 & Boost Level==0.2', save=True, fig_edge_color='#000000', ws_col=100, ws_row=0, ws_ax_fig=250, ws_label_rc=30, ws_ticks_ax=25, ws_label_tick=25)