

Dummy function to return the API for other control options with help() (not used directly for plotting).

Keyword Arguments
  • BAYER (list) – Color scheme for RGGB channel data so lines and markers match CFA type. Defaults to None. More details

  • DEFAULT_COLORS (list) – Default color scheme used for lines and markers (from colors.py). Defaults to None.

  • HIST (dict) – Shortcut of useful kwargs to format hist plots {‘ax_scale’: ‘logy’, ‘markers’: False, ‘line_width’: 2, ‘preset’: ‘HIST’}. Defaults to None. More details

  • engine (str) – Specify the plotting engine {‘mpl’, ‘bokeh’}. Defaults to ‘mpl’. More details

  • filename (str) – Name of the saved image (with or without path and/or extension). Defaults to Automatic name based on conditions with extention ‘.png’. More details

  • filepath (str) – Name of the directory to save images (convenient if you want to use the default naming but save in a different directory. Defaults to current directory.

  • inline (boolean) – Flag to display the rendered plot in the native plotting viewer or jupyter notebook (convenient to disable if doing automated batch plotting). Defaults to True.

  • print_filename (boolean) – Print the output filename, if the plot is saved. Defaults to False. More details

  • return_filename (boolean) – Return the output filename, if the plot is saved. Defaults to False.

  • save (boolean) – Save the plot to disk. Defaults to False.

  • save_data (boolean) – Save the DataFrame subset that is created and used by a given plot. Defaults to False.

  • save_ext (str) – Set the file extension of saved plots to determine the format. Defaults to depends on plotting engine {‘mpl’: ‘.png’, ‘bokeh’: ‘.html’}.

  • show (str) – Show the “saved” plot image file using the default image viewer of the host PC. Setting to “True” forces the image to be saved to disk. Defaults to False.

  • theme (str) – Select a theme file for the current plot only. Defaults to None. More details

  • timer (boolean) – Debug feature to get a time log for each step in the plotting process. Defaults to False.